Faculty Coordinators

List of the faculty coordinators:

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

PhD Piotr Szewczykowski, e-mail: piotr.szewczykowski@pbs.edu.pl

Kaliskiego 7, building H, ground floor, room H012

Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture

PhD Jarosław Górecki, e-mail: gorecki@pbs.edu.pl

Kaliskiego 7, building B, 1st floor, room B114

Faculty of Telecommunications, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

PhD Piotr Kiedrowski, e-mail: piotr.kiedrowski@pbs.edu.pl

Kaliskiego 7, building C, 2nd floor, room C205

Faculty of Design

PhD Teija Gumilar, e-mail: Teija.Gumilar@pbs.edu.pl

Kaliskiego 7, building H, 1st floor, room HB110

Faculty of Management

PhD Marek Sikora, e-mail: marek.sikora@pbs.edu.pl

Fordońska 430, 2nd floor, room 311

Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology

Prof. Roman Rolbiecki, e-mail: roman.rolbiecki@pbs.edu.pl

Bernardyńska 6, building C, 1st floor, room 110

Faculty of Animal Breeding and Biology

PhD Magdalena Kolenda, e-mail: kolenda@pbs.edu.pl

Mazowiecka 28, building 1, 3rd floor, room 313

Faculty of Chemical Technology and Engineering

PhD Teresa Rauckyte-Żak, e-mail: terra@pbs.edu.pl

Seminaryjna 3, building A, 1st floor, room 147